Our mission is to bring the light of Christ to a dark world (John 8:12). By following the great commission our church will offer members opportunities to bring that life through teams with a common goal of introducing people to Jesus. We work to develop a culture of Discipleship, a culture of Evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20), a culture of reaching the unreached and a culture of doing Kingdom Work until Christ returns (Matthew 6:20-21).
We believe in the triune God – Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe in water Baptism by submersion and do not see it as a way to salvation but as a sign of obedience and witnessing out faith (Acts 2:37-38). Our congregation celebrates Holy Communion each Sunday during our worship services and our table is open to al believers. We also hold the Word of God as our lamp and out guide (Psalm 119:105) thus we are a Bible believing body of Christ.